Vietnamese Poem Printing Block

The Vietnamese Folk Poem Block Prints are designed and hand-carved by artisan Đoàn Thành Lộc. Each painting, featuring Nôm characters, is infused with vivid details that capture Vietnamese folk art and traditional way of life.

Click on any image below to learn more about each print.

The Tale of Kiều
The Tale of Kiều
Life Advice
Success and Marriage

Two Beautiful Daughters of the Vương Family

The Tale of Kiều is a revered epic poem in Vietnamese literature, written by Nguyễn Du in the early 19th century. This masterpiece, composed in the lục bát (six-eight) meter form, encompasses 3,254 verses. It narrates the tragic life of Thúy Kiều, a young woman of exceptional beauty and talent. However, more than just a tale of individual struggle; the epic poem is a profound commentary on the socio-political and cultural dynamics of Nguyễn Du’s time. The work reflects Confucian ideals, Buddhist philosophy, and the pervasive influence of fate and karma in Vietnamese culture. 

This stanza introduces the two beautiful daughters of the Vương family, Thuý Kiều and Thuý Vân, by vividly describing their flawless beauty, elegance, and grace.

Vietnamese Text

Đầu lòng hai ả tố nga,

Thuý Kiều là chị, em là Thuý Vân.

Mai cốt cách, tuyết tinh thần,

Mỗi người một vẻ, mười phân vẹn mười.

English Translation

Two daughters, beauties both, had come before:

Thuý Kiều was the oldest, younger was Thuý Vân

Bodies like slim plum branches, snow-pure souls

Each her own self, each perfect in her way.

(Translated by the late Professor Huỳnh Sanh Thông of Yale University)

The First Time Thuý Kiều Meets Kim Trọng

The Tale of Kiều is a revered epic poem in Vietnamese literature, written by Nguyễn Du in the early 19th century. This masterpiece, composed in the lục bát (six-eight) meter form, encompasses 3,254 verses. It narrates the tragic life of Thúy Kiều, a young woman of exceptional beauty and talent. However, more than just a tale of individual struggle; the epic poem is a profound commentary on the socio-political and cultural dynamics of Nguyễn Du’s time. The work reflects Confucian ideals, Buddhist philosophy, and the pervasive influence of fate and karma in Vietnamese culture. 

This paints a romantic scene when Thuý Kiều and her younger siblings encounter Kim Trọng, who later becomes Kiều’s lover. This scene unfolds in the delightful March weather, as the young people make their way home after celebrating the Thanh Minh (Bright Daylight) Festival.

Vietnamese Text

Hài văn lần bước dặm xanh

Một vùng như thể cây quỳnh cành dao

Chàng Vương quen mặt ra chào,

Hai Kiều e lệ nép vào dưới hoa.

English Translation

His figured slippers trod the green – the field

Now sparkled like some jade-and-ruby grove

Young Vương stepped forth and greeted him he knew

While two shy maidens hid behind the flowers.

(Translated by the late Professor Huỳnh Sanh Thông of Yale University)

Lotus in the Swamp

The folk poem Lotus in the Swamp celebrates the beauty of the lotus flower. Despite growing in mud, the lotus remains unsullied by mud. The poem teaches us that, like the lotus, we can uphold our values regardless of the circumstances we may find ourselves in.

Vietnamese Text

Trong đầm gì đẹp bằng sen,

Lá xanh, bông trắng lại chen nhị vàng.

Nhị vàng bông trắng lá xanh,

Gần bùn mà chẳng hôi tanh mùi bùn.

English Translation

In the swamp, what’s comparable to the pure lotus?

Green leaves, white petals, with yellow stamens.

Yellow stamens, white petals, green leaves,

Close to mud but not tainted by mud.

Piety Towards Parents

The folk poem Piety Towards Parents emphasizes the immense contributions of parents: a father’s labor is likened to the highest mountain, while a mother’s love is compared to an endless source of water. It underscores the importance of filial piety, urging children to wholeheartedly respect and love their parents.

Vietnamese Text

Công cha như núi Thái Sơn,

Nghĩa mẹ như nước trong nguồn chảy ra.

Một lòng thờ mẹ, kính cha,

Cho tròn chữ hiếu mới là đạo con.

English Translation

A father’s labor reaches the highest mountain,

A mother’s love runs deep as the source of all water.

With all your heart, respect and love your parents,

Filial piety is the true way of the child.

Mom and Child Going to School

The folk poem Mom and Child Going to School shows that, despite daily hardships, a mother steadfastly supports and guides her child. The child goes to an academic institution to gain a formal education, while the mother continues her learning through life experiences. The poem underscores the themes of motherly love and parental support.

Vietnamese Text

Ví dầu cầu ván đóng đinh,

Cầu tre lắt lẻo, gập ghềnh khó đi,

Khó đi mẹ dẫn con đi,

Con đi trường học, mẹ đi trường đời.

English Translation

If the plank bridge has bumpy nails,

If the bamboo bridge is too shaky to cross,

No matter, I’ll lead you, my child.

You’ll go to the school for scholars, and I’ll attend the school of life.

Cherish the Teacher

The folk poem Cherish the Teacher emphasizes the importance of education and the role of teachers. Just as one must build a bridge to cross over, parents must value and respect teachers if they want their children to be well-educated. Additionally, it highlights that without proper instruction, one cannot accomplish much.

Vietnamese Text

Muốn sang thì bắc cầu kiều,

Muốn con hay chữ phải yêu quý thầy,

Muốn khôn thì phải có thầy,

Không thầy dạy dỗ đố mày làm nên.

English Translation

If you want to go across, build a bridge,

If you want your child to be educated, cherish the teacher.

If you want to be wise, you must have a teacher,

Without a teacher’s guidance, you won’t amount to much.

A Scholar’s Academic Success and Happy Marriage

The folk poem A Scholar’s Academic Success and Happy Marriage illustrates the successful scholar on a horse, followed by his wife’s hammock. The couple is accompanied by objects symbolizing the well-earned respect from the community. The occasion is celebrated by observing traditional customs, including paying homage to their ancestors. Additionally, the scholar expresses his gratitude to his wife for her unwavering support.

Vietnamese Text

Một mai đỗ đạt về làng

Ngựa anh đi trước, võng nàng theo sau

Tàn, quạt, hương án theo hầu

Vinh quy bái tổ, trầu cau ăn mừng.

English Translation

One day, when I achieve academic success and return to our village,

My horse goes first and your hammock follows.

Lofty awnings, stately fans, and an altar to accompany us,

Returning in glory to honor our ancestors, we celebrate with betel and areca.

The Love Token

In the folk poem The Love Token, the man is trying to gauge whether the woman harbors any affection for him. He creates a scenario to allow for some playful interaction while signaling that he’s open to having a deeper relationship with her.

Vietnamese Text

Hôm qua tát nước đầu đình

Bỏ quên chiếc áo trên cành hoa sen.

Em được thì cho anh xin

Hay là em để làm tin trong nhà?

English Translation

Yesterday, while bailing water near the village hall,

I left my shirt on a lotus stem.

If you have it, please return it to me.

Or are you keeping it as a love token?

Garden of Love

The folk poem Garden of Love depicts a conversation between a gentleman named Plum and a lady named Peach. Plum asks if anyone has entered Peach’s rosy garden, a metaphor for her heart. Peach responds that while there is a path to the garden, no one has entered it yet. The exchange metaphorically explores whether Peach has opened her heart romantically, with her response suggesting that while she is open to love, no one has yet won her affection.

Vietnamese Text

Gặp đây Mận mới hỏi Đào

“Vườn hồng đã có ai vào hay chưa?”

Mận hỏi thì Đào xin thưa:

“Vườn hồng có lối nhưng chưa ai vào.”

English Translation

Now that they’ve met, Plum asks Peach,

“Has anyone entered your rose garden?”

Plum has asked, so Peach replied:

“The rose garden has a path, but which no one has entered.”

Marriage Proposal on the Field

The poem Marriage Proposal on the Field portrays a scene where a man expresses his desire to join a woman in her grass-cutting labor, revealing his intention to share his life with her. He proposes that together they can transform their shared affection into a committed relationship.

Vietnamese Text

Cô kia cắt cỏ một mình,

Cho anh cắt với chung tình làm đôi.

Cô còn cắt nữa hay thôi.

Cho tôi cắt với làm đôi vợ chồng.

English Translation

Hey you, the one cutting grass alone,

Let me join you so we can become a couple.

Will you keep on cutting grass?

Let me join you, so we can be married.

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